This finds all issues, that were resolved the same day they were created, within the specified period:
project = MyProject AND created >= 2021-11-29 AND created < 2021-12-05 AND issueFunction in expression("", "created.clearTime()==resolutionDate.clearTime()") ORDER BY created DESC, updated DESC
Where this part
created >= 2021-11-29 AND created < 2021-12-05
is any period you're looking for issues within and
issueFunction in expression("", "created.clearTime()==resolutionDate.clearTime()")
is the condition that converts the Date-Time format of "created" and "resolutionDate" to only Date-format and compares the received dates with each other.
The topic's task:
If you add +1 to created.clearTime()
- created.clearTime()+1
, you will find all issues that were resolved the day they were created and issues that were resolved the next day (+1 day from the creation date).
Note, that you need to use a plugin (I'm using ScriptRunner).