SQL 2005, I have a table with a column 'ages_c', I need to group the records by age ranges. This is the query that I found on this site and it's getting me 90% there but the 'group by' is erroring, *Invalid column name 'age_range'*
when age_c <18 then 'Under 18'
when age_c between 18 and 24 then '18-24'
when age_c between 25 and 34then '25-34'
END as age_range,
Count(*) as count
from contacts
group by age_range
order by age_range
When I group and order by 'age_c' my result is:
Under 18 1
18-24 1
18-24 1
25-34 1
What I want is:
Under 18 1
18-24 2
25-34 1