For Container Managed Transactions (CMT) in EJB3, we have the following EJB annotations for Transaction Management.
Unfortunately, there are no ways to set up transaction timeout and it's specific to each container. This means that I will have to "manage" transaction timeout for each specific Java EE EJB containers that I use.
For example, in Wildfly 9.x and higher, there is a org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.TransactionTimeout
annotation that I can use. Alternatively, I can configure it in the JBoss EJB3 Deployment Descriptor. This will not work in containers outside Wildfly.
- Is there a way to do CMT container managed transaction timeout that will run on any Java EE certified container?
- Where can I find the default transaction timeout configuration value, particularly in Wildfly 9.x?
file). The xml schema corresponding to this subsystem is here (you can also find it in your local wildfly docs/schema folder). You're interested in the default-timeout attribute which is set to 300 s (5mns). – TuddorUserTransaction
is not exactly the same. Still a lot of things can indeed be implemented via utility code, but some of those utilities are written over and over and should perhaps better be part of the spec. I do agree that not blindly everything should be added (there's a support cost as well as steeper learning cost with a bigger API surface), but setting a transaction timeout is a quite fundamental thing and something has been used in a vendor specific way for a decade or longer. – Amphiaster