I want to proxy network traffic for an Android emulator.
I can't seem to get it to work.
My emulator is booted up using this:
emulator @Nexus_5X_API_23 -http-proxy
The IP and port points to what Charles reports in the Help menu.
The SSL certificate is installed. I can open the emulator browser and Charles shows me all traffic. The browser updates as usual.
All seems good so far.
Now I attempt to run my app. My first network call goes out successfully through Charles. The response returns and Charles displays it. However the response isn't passed to the app successfully.
I've set a breakpoint in the error callback and I can see a com.android.volley.NoConnectionError
which is caused by java.io.IOException: unexpected end of stream on Connection
Why doesn't Charles pass the result back back properly to the app?
Do I need to do what's defined at the end of the configuration page on Charles?
HttpHost httpproxy = new HttpHost("", 8888, "http");
This doesn't seem correct - what am I missing?