I have recently decided to add achievements to a game that has been on the App Store for years now, and I'm having issues with making them work.
I am using the following code to post the achievements:
GKAchievement *achievement = [[GKAchievement alloc] initWithIdentifier: identifier];
[achievement setPercentComplete:100.0];
[GKAchievement reportAchievements:@[achievement] withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error){
But reportAchievements
just logs no bundle for bundleID: (null)
I'm wondering if it has something to do with the fact that achievements aren't live yet and Apple has removed sandbox servers. But they are registered in iTunes Connect and I'm using a Test User.
It is also important to note that this app was transferred from a different developer.
For the app ID I tried using:
The leaderboard that has been present since before the transfer is still working and it uses the old developer's ID.
I even tried just getting a list of all achievements using the code in the first answer here, but it still says no bundle for bundleID: (null)
I found that even though it says no bundle for bundleID: (null)
, it still correctly returns a list of all achievements. I assume that this message is just some glitch in the system and that it works anyway.
That said, I am still unable to make achievements unlock using any combination of ID.