I am currently doing some RnD on Webkit Speech Recognition and I wanted to create an application specific grammar file. According W3C definition I wrote the following code. But it doesnt seem to show improved results in recognition for these words. Can you kindly provide some help with this.?
var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); recognition.grammars.addFromUri("voice/api_grammar/weight.grxml");
The grammar file is a simple file which looked like the following.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE grammar PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD GRAMMAR 1.0//EN"
<grammar version="1.0"
xml:lang="en-US" mode="voice" root="sequence">
<meta name='description' content='Example using examples'/>
<meta name='in.1' content='sunny Yorktown Heights New York United States'/>
<meta name='out.1' content='$sequence[$repeat[$alternatives["sunny"]],$ruleref[$token["Yorktown Heights"]],$Token["New","York"],$TOKEN["United States"]]'/>
<rule id="ruleref">
<example>"Yorktown Heights"</example>
<ruleref uri="#token"/>
<rule id="alternatives">
<item> sunny </item>
<item> cloudy </item>
<item> warm </item>
<item> cold </item>
<rule id="repeat">
<example></example> <!-- for count=0 -->
<example>warm sunny cloudy</example>
<item repeat="0-3">
<ruleref uri="#alternatives"/>
<rule id="sequence">
warm sunny cloudy "Yorktown Heights" New York "United States"
warm sunny cloudy Yorktown Heights New York United
<example> <!-- this example is actually wrong but that is legal -->
warm sunny cloudy "Yorktown Heights" New York "United States"
<ruleref uri="#repeat"/> <ruleref uri="#ruleref"/>
<ruleref uri="#Token"/> <ruleref uri="#TOKEN"/>