I'm trying to write metadata to a pdf file using the following python code:
from Foundation import *
from Quartz import *
url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_("test.pdf")
pdfdoc = PDFDocument.alloc().initWithURL_(url)
assert pdfdoc, "failed to create document"
print "reading pdf file"
attrs = {}
attrs[PDFDocumentTitleAttribute] = "THIS IS THE TITLE"
attrs[PDFDocumentAuthorAttribute] = "A. Author and B. Author"
PDFDocumentTitleAttribute = "test"
print "pdf made"
This appears to work fine (no errors to the consoled), however when I examine the metadata of the file it is as follows:
NumberOfPages: 4
and the original file had the following metadata:
InfoKey: Creator
InfoValue: PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
InfoKey: Title
InfoValue: Microsoft Word - PROGRESS ON THE GABION HOUSE Compressed.doc
InfoKey: Producer
InfoValue: GPL Ghostscript 8.15
InfoKey: Author
InfoValue: PWK
InfoKey: ModDate
InfoValue: D:20101021193627-05'00'
InfoKey: CreationDate
InfoValue: D:20101008152350Z
PdfID0: d5fd6d3960122ba72117db6c4d46cefa
PdfID1: 24bade63285c641b11a8248ada9f19
NumberOfPages: 4
So the problems are, it is not appending the metadata, and it is clearing the previous metadata structure. What do I need to do to get this to work? My objective is to append metadata that reference management systems can import.