I am messing around with the combination of buildout and virtualenv to setup an isolated development environment in python that allows to do reproducible builds.
There is a recipe for buildout that let's you integrate virtualenv into buildout:
With this my buildout.cfg looks like this:
develop = .
parts = script
recipe = tl.buildout_virtual_python
headers = true
executable-name = vp
site-packages = false
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = foo
python = virtualpython
This will deploy two executables into ./bin/:
When I execute vp, I get an interactive, isolated python dialog, as expected (can't load any packages from the system). What I would expect now, is that if I run
that the isolated python interpreter is used. But it doesn't, it's not isolated as "vp" is (meaning I can import libraries from system level). However I can run:
./bin/vp ./bin/script
Which will run the script in an isolated environment as I wished. But there must be a way to specify this to do so without chaining commands otherwise buildout only solves half of the problems I hoped :)
Thanks for your help! Patrick