I am planning to use postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY aproach to get insert time(actual transaction commit time) of records in a table. To achieve this, I plan to do the following. I issue a notification during insert time as shown below.
INSERT INTO table_name(id, ...) values (id,....);
select pg_notify('test_channel', 'id - ' || id || ' trans start time - ' || now() || ' notify start time - ' || clock_timestamp());
And then I plan to use https://pythonhosted.org/psycopg2/advanced.html#asynchronous-notifications to receive those notifications.
What I would like to find out is the exact time the transaction commit happens(the record is available to read) down to micro secods
I understand that NOTIFY(pg_notify) actually sends notification right after the commit of the transaction but I couldnt figure out how to find out the exact time when it happens. The clock timestamp value I have in NOTIFY, is not the acutal transaction commit time.
I guess the time I listen to notification will be close to transaction commit time but I am not sure how close it is. First, there is some time between polls in my code while listening(however small it is) and second, I am not sure if there is any lag between NOTIFY/LISTEN communication itself.
Any ideas?
UPDATE(Complete description of problem): We have a reader selecting rows in batches using a “checkpoint” time, where each batch gets the rows after the last timestamp in the previous batch, and we are missing rows. (Reason: The timestamp value is based on the time INSERT happens(00.00.00). At heavy loads, if the transaction takes longer time, it gets inserted let say 10 sec later(00.00.10), the reader will miss this row(row1) if it reads during that 10 seconds and finds a row which had its INSERT time at a later time(00.00.05) than row1. The complete description of the problem is similar to the one written in this blog. http://blog.thefourthparty.com/stopping-time-in-postgresql/)