Input file is a fixed-width txt file. My client normally opens it in Excel and manually specifies the column breaks. I'm hoping to replace certain blank spaces with a comma, so that I can parse as CSV and save as XLS or whatever.
$columBreaks = 20, 35, 50, 80, 100, 111, 131, 158, 161, 167, 183
[array]::Reverse($columBreaks) #too lazy to re-write array after finding out I need to iterate in reverse
$files = get-childitem ./ |where-object {$_.Name -like "FileFormat*.txt"}
foreach($file in $files)
$name = $file.Name.split(".")
$csvFile = $name[0]+".csv"
if (!(get-childitem ./ |where-object {$_.Name -like $csvFile})) #check whether file has been processed
$text = (gc $file)
foreach ($line in $text)
foreach ($pos in $columBreaks)
#$line.Substring($char-1,3).replace(" ", ",")
$line = $line.Insert($pos,",")
#out-file -append?
So what's the most efficient way to write this content out? I had hoped to use set-content, but I don't think that's possible since we're processing line by line, so I think I would either have to build an array of lines for set-content, or use write-out -append for each iteration. Is there a more efficient way to do this?