I have a .dll with a lot of ResourceDictionaries.
The build action of all these ResourceDictionaries is set to "Page".
Inside the Dll, I want to find all these ResourceDictionaries and iterate over them.
If I set the build action to "EmbeddedResource", I can use Reflection:
var embeddedResources = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames().ToList();
But GetManifestResourceNames() does not work for resources with build action "Page".
How do I find or iterate over all resources that have the build action "page"?
The solution doesn't have to be Reflection. Any other way is very welcome.
Thank you!
Ladies and Gentleman! I have to announce, that the man of the week and the winner of this bounty, is Mr. Jon Wu. Jon Wu gave the right hint and through searching, I found this solution:
Enumerating .NET assembly resources at runtime
The working code, slightly changed looks like this:
public static string[] GetResourceNames()
var asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string resName = asm.GetName().Name + ".g.resources";
using (var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resName))
using (var reader = new System.Resources.ResourceReader(stream))
return reader.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().Select(entry => (string)entry.Key).ToArray();
If you call this method, you get all the resource strings with a ".baml" at the end and you can iterate over them.
Thank you Jon Wu for the right hint.
.NET embedded resource that contains one stream per dictionary. These dictionaries are in the BAML format (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…) so I'm not sure if this is useful. What would you want to do once you have enumerated these BAML streams? – Coulee