I am trying to dsiplay the twitter timeline in a Jlist component. I have already fixed the size of my frame and the cell height and cell width of the JList too with the following code.
I find that the height and width of each cell are fine but if the content of the tweet inside the cell exceeds the width it is not displaying the further part of the tweet.
For example: Assume that 70 width exactly fits the tweet "I am good"
Suppose if the tweet is "I am good and great" The tweet is getting displayed as "I am good....." The exceeded part of the tweet is not getting displayed.
What I want to do here is, I want the rest out part of the tweet to be displayed below the line as I do have sufficient height to display the tweet in a second line. In the same example, within the cell, I want the content to be displayed as
"I am good
and great"
How can I achieve this?