I have a set of 100 to 200 points (x,y). I have to check which ones fall within a particular distance of the others. The particular distance is fixed for the entire program, say 50. Say point 1 falls within the range of points 5,7,25,90,96,105...etc. Similarly point 2 falls within range of 23,45, etc... Storing objects for locating by x,y coordinates
Here QuadTree is suggested, but it can be used to get all the points within a bounding rectangle. But how to get all points within a bounding circle? there is a method which returns a point closest to a lat/long within a maximum distance, but how to get all the points within the distance? http://openmap.bbn.com/doc/api/com/bbn/openmap/util/quadtree/QuadTree.html#QuadTree(float, float, float, float, int)
one way maybe to remove each point from the tree as I get it, then query for the closest point again, until i get null. is that the only way?