I have successfully integrated the Google Games API in my app, and now I can see my leaderboard and achievements as described here and here respectively.
However, when trying to submit a score using this code:
Games.Leaderboards.submitScore(mGoogleApiClient, getString(R.string.play_console_leaderboard_id), 100);
for some reason the leaderboard stops appearing. Actually it starts loading, and then directly disappears. This post seems to describe the same issue, however there is no solution posted.
I know that it has to do with the submitScore because when I create a new leaderboard, I can successfully open it and see the message that no one has reported any score. Then again, if I try to submit a score, the leaderboard again breaks.
Any hints / suggestions on that? Thanks.
EDIT: I am starting to believe that for some reason it may have to do with the tamper protection from the Play Console. Although even when I tried to disable it, the problem still persists..
EDIT2: Do I have to publish my game so I can test the leaderboards? I know that it sounds weird.