I am using WorkManager to schedule some tasks but the problem is that work manager is executing those tasks { doWork() } more than once in a single call.
I am using:
I have tried using -alpha07,06,05,04. But I have same issue. Sometimes it even executes 5-6 times at once
Here is the code:
public class MyWorker extends Worker {
public Result doWork() {
sendNotification("Notice", "A notice was sent");
return Result.SUCCESS;
This is the Activity
public class MyWorkerActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final PeriodicWorkRequest pwr = new PeriodicWorkRequest
.Builder(MyWorker.class, 16, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
This is the result from Logcat:
09-24 16:44:35.954 22779-22816/com.simran.powermanagement I/CountWorker: 0
09-24 16:44:35.970 22779-22817/com.simran.powermanagement I/CountWorker: 0
09-24 16:44:35.977 22779-22818/com.simran.powermanagement I/CountWorker: 0