I am trying to download my mp3 file and want to save it to internal storage at a specific location.
But every time my download is failing.
Logcat error message
01-01 08:36:09.295 154-748/android.process.media W/DownloadManager: Aborting request for download
17: Failed to create target file /storage/emulated/0/Ringtone/Fav_Ringtone.mp3
Download Method
public void Save_mp3_internal_Storage(Uri uri,Context context){
String destination = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/Ringtone/";
Delete_mp3_internal_Storage(new File(destination,"Fav_Ringtone.mp3"));
DownloadManager manager = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(uri)
.setDestinationUri(Uri.fromFile(new File(destination,"Fav_Ringtone.mp3")))
.setTitle("Ringtone Downloading")
public void Delete_mp3_internal_Storage(File file){
if (file.exists()){
I think it is an emulator fault. because most of the time my emulator fails to download the files(SmartGaga)
!!!!!!!!!!!!! – Susette