The approach I have used for handling nested and non nested templates even when my routes are nested is to use named outlets. Ember makes it really easy.
I have a top level menu outlet that always holds a menu relevant to the route being visited.
Example Application Template:
<div id="nav">
{{partial "nav"}}
<div id="menu">
{{outlet "menu"}}
<div id="main">
{{outlet "modal"}}
I have two named outlets, "menu" and "modal", which are used to hold content which is not nested but used by nested routes or any route to be precise. Any route can render a modal in response to actions into the global "modal" outlet, and similarly any route can render a menu into the "menu" outlet.
My examples use coffeescript.
Router: ->
@resource "posts", ->
@route "create"
@resource "post", {path: ':id'}, ->
@resource "comments", {path: ':id'}, ->
@route "create"
@resource "comment", {path: ':id'}, ->
Routes which render a menu into a named outlet that is not nested:
App.PostsIndexRoute = Em.Route.extend
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
# default render
@_super arguments...
# render posts menu into the application menu outlet
@render "",
outlet: "menu"
into: "application"
App.CommentsIndexRoute = Em.Route.extend
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
# default render
@_super arguments...
# render comments menu into the application menu outlet
@render "",
outlet: "menu"
into: "application"
You don't have to do the default nested rendering as above, you could just define a route type that always renders into a named outlet such as "content" (just don't call it "main" because Ember uses that).
App.ContentRoute = Em.Route.extend
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
@render outlet: "content", into: "application"
And then subclass from it for any routes that should always render into the application 'content' outlet:
App.PostsIndexRoute = App.ContentRoute.extend()
App.CommentsIndexRoute = App.ContentRoute.extend()
But it would be better to do it with a mixin so you can easily include whatever concerns you wish into any route (eg authenticated route concerns).
App.RenderIntoContent = Em.Mixin.create
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
@render outlet: "content", into: "application"
App.PostsIndexRoute = Em.Route.extend App.RenderIntoContent,
App.CommentsIndexRoute = Em.Route.extend App.RenderIntoContent,