I use renovate as App on GitHub and it successfully updates my package.json
I would like to have a similar feature for the action files themselves under .github/workflows
For example a step
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
should be updated to use current version of action:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
=> Is renovate able to do so?
If yes: how to get it working/how to configure correctly to do so?
If no: is there another tool for it? Or do I need to do this manually? (Then I exchanged manual update of package.json with manual update of *.yml)
It states
"Renovate supports updating Github Actions dependencies."
but I do not understand how to activate it.
Using renovate, my renovate action run through and had green state. Nevertheless, the version of an outdated action has not been updated.
After I understood, that the versions of actions should be updated by renovate with its default configuration, I had a closer look at the log of my renovate action:
INFO: Dependency extraction complete (repository=fraunhofer-isi/micat-next, baseBranch=main)
"stats": {
"managers": {
"github-actions": {"fileCount": 9, "depCount": 33},
"npm": {"fileCount": 1, "depCount": 57}
"total": {"fileCount": 10, "depCount": 90}
INFO: Workflows update rejection - aborting branch. (repository=fraunhofer-isi/micat-next, branch=renovate/actions-setup-node-4.x)
If I interpret this correctly, renovate correctly determined, that actions-setup-node should be updated (from version 2) to version 4.
However, the update somehow got rejected.