I have an expander here like this, the border shown here is the grid around it:
| |
| ^ expander |
How could I resize this grid when I expand this expander?
The result is like this:
| |
| V expander |
| |
| |
| content of expander |
| |
| |
Please don't care about the window size or the outer grid size. I just want to resize this one.
When user closes the expander, i hope the grid will return to figure 1.
XAML fragment:
<Grid Margin="143,92,143,148" Background="#FF646464" Width="472" Height="217">
<Border BorderBrush="#FF5983BF" BorderThickness="1"/>
<Expander x:Name="advancedExpander" Header="Advanced" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,196,0,-147" Width="452" Height="168" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#FFC7C7C7">
<Grid Background="#FFE5E5E5"/>
deleted some buttons. i don't think we need them.
– TiGrid
? Also there is no need to theGrid
can be child of theBorder
– Ti