I created a Spring Boot server using the tools at swagger.io, which I'm now porting to OpenAPITools. But I can't find the equivalent generator. I tried setting the generaterName to spring, but it creates a somewhat different application. First, it uses a WebMvcConfigurer Bean, even though it's not an MVC application. Second, the generated Controller and API don't give me an ObjectMapper. Third, instead of an HttpServletRequest, they give me a more ambiguous NativeWebRequest instance. Is there a matching generator for the spring REST generator at swagger.io? Am I doing something wrong?
Here's the openApiTools maven plugin from my pom.xml file:
<!-- Configuration properties taken from -->
<!-- https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/blob/master/modules/openapi-generator-maven-plugin/README.md -->
<!-- <output>${project.basedir}</output>-->
<!-- Defaults to ${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/openapi -->
<!-- configOptions are specific to the spring generator. These are taken from -->
<!-- https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/blob/master/docs/generators/spring.md -->
<dateLibrary>java8</dateLibrary> <!-- Default-->