This looks like the simplest thing but I can't get it to work.
I need to add text to the first page of a multi-page pdf (could be any number of pages)
Using this code on a two page pdf (without the for loop, just using $pdf->importPage(2)) I end up with two pages but the second page is a repeat of page one. The text is written on the first page only which is good but I need all pages included in the output pdf. Here is my code
// Original file with multiple pages
$fullPathToFile = 'full/path/to/file.pdf';
class PDF extends FPDI {
var $_tplIdx;
function Header() {
global $fullPathToFile;
if (is_null($this->_tplIdx)) {
$this->_tplIdx = $this->importPage(1);
function Footer() {}
// initiate PDF
$pdf = new PDF();
// add a page
// The new content
$pdf->SetFont("helvetica", "B", 14);
$pdf->Text(10,10,'Some text here');
// How to get the number of pages of original pdf???
// $numPages = $pdf->getNumPages(???);
// Carry on adding all remaining pages starting from page 2
for($i=2;$i<=$numPages;$i++) {
// Add another page
// Do I need to declare the source file here?
// $pdf->setSourceFile($fullPathToWD);
// Output the file as forced download
$pdf->Output('theNewFile.pdf', 'D');
Links to docs
TCPDF Classes
FPDI Classes
FPDF_TPL Classes
in thatfor
loop instead of extending the class, that would probably make the for loop more intuitive (i.e. get data (importPage
), print data (useTemplate
)). But good question/answer nevertheless, it inspired me to solve my own issue! – Stearns