As noted in the answer to this post about feature scaling, some(all?) implementations of KMeans are sensitive to the order of features data points. Based on the sklearn.cluster.KMeans documentation, n_init only changes the initial position of the centroid. This would mean that one must loop over a few shuffles of features data points to test if this is a problem. My questions are as follows:
- Is the scikit-learn implementation sensitive to the ordering as the post suggest?
- Does n_init take care of it for me?
- If I am to to it myself should I take the best based on minimum inertia or take an average as suggested here?
- Is there a good rule to know how many shuffle permutations is sufficient based on the number of data points?
UPDATE: The question initially asked about feature(column) order which is not an issue. This was a misinterpretation of the term "objects" in the linked post. It has been updated to ask about the data points (rows) order.