I have this code in a button:
var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,";
csvContent += myCSVcontent;
var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent);
This works perfectly in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
- But not IE8 - I need Internet Explorer 8 compatibility.
When I click the button that calls the code above it downloads the .csv file to my computer.
When I click the button in IE8 though, it opens a new IE8 window with all the csv contents in the address bar and does not download (or ask to download) anything.
Unfortunately, I have to have IE8 compatibility. How can I make this work?
Edit: I must avoid any additional calls to the server. Everything needs to happen client side. This is currently working in all browsers except IE8 (and possibly IE9).
Edit2: When I change the last line to "document.location.href= encodedUri;" it will still work on all other browsers but in IE8 when I click the button I get an error window that says "The data area passed to a system call is too small." Any idea what that is telling me?