I'm using django-allauth primarily as a way to create user accounts for the admin backend. What I would like to have happen is:
1) When a user goes through the sign up procedure, send out the verification e-mail (I have this working so far) and set the user as inactive, staff, and with the "SurveyManager" group assigned to them by defult. Currently, the user is created with active set to true, staff set to false, and no groups assigned.
2) After clicking the link in their e-mail to verify their address, I'd like the user to be set to active, so they can then log in through the admin backend.
My specific problem is that I don't know: 1) how or where to set the defaults for active, staff, and group of the user -- I imagine this would be done in a models.py file, but it's my understanding that the user model is contained in the auth app; and 2) how to trigger the code to change the user active flag to true once the e-mail verification is complete.
Thanks in advance -- sorry if this is a poorly-created post, it's my first!