I want users of my Next.js TypeScript app to grant it permission to manage their Alexa Lists.
I figured this would be possible with OAuth2.
I figured I'd need to create a button in my website that takes the user to an Amazon URL that allows the user to grant my website permission to manage their Alexa lists (and then generates a code that it includes in a GET request that happens as a redirect to a "callback" URL that I registered as the redirect_uri when setting up OAuth2 in Amazon).
I figured the button would be a link to a URL defined like
const url = `${oauth2BaseUrl}?client_id=${encodeURIComponent(clientId)}&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(redirectUrl)}&response_type=code&scope=${scope}`;
This is generally how OAuth2 works, in my experience.
But I've found Amazon's docs incredibly unhelpful.
I see permissions / scopes mentioned here called alexa::household:lists:read alexa::household:lists:write
I've set up my API endpoint (which I'll specify at redirectUrl
) to exchange the Amazon authorization code for an Amazon access token following the code examples shown there.
I've set oauth2BaseUrl to be 'https://www.amazon.com/ap/oa' (found at https://developer.amazon.com/docs/login-with-amazon/authorization-code-grant.html).
For client ID, I'm using the one for my Alexa skill that I created. Is that correct?
I'm using Next-auth, but I'd be curious if there are any other libraries that could make any of this easier.
Here are permissions I've added in my Skill:
I always get:
400 Bad Request
An unknown scope was requested
But if I just use scopes these different scopes instead, I see it behave how I'd expect (but I lack List permissions): alexa::skills:account_linking postal_code profile:user_id
P.S. I also started setting up Login With Amazon, but I don't understand why that would be necessary. I'm not looking to offer a federated login feature.