I've digged few hours through tons of topics and could nowhere find a query, returning points in a radius, defined by km. ST_Distance_Sphere does it, however, the server is MariaDB 5.5, not supporting ST_Distance_Sphere().
Managed to get something working, so here is my solution, compatible with Doctrine 2.5 and the Doctrine CrEOF Spatial Library:
$sqlPoint = sprintf('POINT(%f %f)', $lng, $lat);
$rsm = new ResultSetMappingBuilder($this->manager);
$rsm->addRootEntityFromClassMetadata('ApiBundle\\Entity\\Place', 'p');
$query = $this->manager->createNativeQuery(
'SELECT p.*, AsBinary(p.location) as location FROM place p ' .
'WHERE (6371 * acos( cos( radians(Y(ST_GeomFromText(?))) ) ' .
'* cos( radians( Y(p.location) ) ) * cos( radians( X(p.location) ) ' .
'- radians(X(ST_GeomFromText(?))) ) + sin( radians(Y(ST_GeomFromText(?))) ) * sin( radians( Y(p.location) ) ) )) <= ?',
$query->setParameter(1, $sqlPoint, 'string');
$query->setParameter(2, $sqlPoint, 'string');
$query->setParameter(3, $sqlPoint, 'string');
$query->setParameter(4, $radius, 'float');
$result = $query->getResult();
Assuming lng and lat is XY of the fixed point, Place is the entity with a "location" field POINT type.
I could not use DQL directly due to problems with the param binding of MySQL, that's why the low-level native query. The rsm is required to map results into entity objects. Can live without it, though.
Feel free to use it. I hope it will save you some time.