I'm trying to set ACL on a Msmq Queue using Powershell v5.1 (Win2k16) - but even though I'm following the documentation - I keep getting an error.
Get-MsmqQueue -Name "s009_ClientsServiceBus" -QueueType Private | Set-MsmqQueueAcl -UserName "domain.com\WfxServiceBus" -Allow Peek,Write
Set-MsmqQueueACL : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type
'System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Msmq.PowerShell.Commands.MessageQueueAccessRights]' required by parameter 'Allow'. Specified method is
not supported.
At line:1 char:128
+ ... t-MsmqQueueAcl -UserName "domain.com\WfxServiceBus" -Allow Peek,Write
+ ~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-MsmqQueueACL], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.Msmq.PowerShell.Commands.SetMSMQQueueACLCommand
The Docs show the following example:
Get-MsmqQueue –Name Order* –QueueType Private | Set-MsmqQueueAcl –UserName “REDMOND\madmax” –Allow Delete,Peek,Receive,Send –Deny TakeOwnership
Running that (granted some of the parameters are incorrect for my environment, but same error)...
PS C:\Users\user> Get-MsmqQueue -Name Order* -QueueType Private | Set-MsmqQueueAcl -UserName "REDMOND\madmax" -Allow Delete,Peek,Receive,Send -Deny TakeOwnership
Set-MsmqQueueACL : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type
'System.Nullable`1[Microsoft.Msmq.PowerShell.Commands.MessageQueueAccessRights]' required by parameter 'Allow'. Specified method is
not supported.
At line:1 char:100
+ ... cl -UserName "REDMOND\madmax" -Allow Delete,Peek,Receive,Send -Deny T ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-MsmqQueueACL], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.Msmq.PowerShell.Commands.SetMSMQQueueACLCommand
So it seems the documentation is out of date, or something changed.. question is - how do I do what I need to do with Powershell? I've tried lots of combinations such as:
.... -Allow "Peek,Send"
.... -Allow "Peek","Send"
.... -Allow 'Peek,Send'
If I only include one option i.e: 'Send' or 'Peek' then it works fine, but I can't send an array of rights as per the documentation.
Update - using -Allow "Peek, Send":
PS C:\Users\meaton> Get-MsmqQueue -Name "s009_ClientsServiceBus" -QueueType Private | Set-MsmqQueueAcl -UserName "domain.com\WfxServic
eBus" -Allow "Peek,Write"
Set-MsmqQueueACL : Cannot bind parameter 'Allow'. Cannot convert value "Peek,Write" to type
"Microsoft.Msmq.PowerShell.Commands.MessageQueueAccessRights". Error: "Unable to match the identifier name Peek,Write to a valid
enumerator name. Specify one of the following enumerator names and try again:
DeleteMessage, PeekMessage, ReceiveMessage, WriteMessage, DeleteJournalMessage, ReceiveJournalMessage, SetQueueProperties,
GetQueueProperties, DeleteQueue, GetQueuePermissions, GenericWrite, GenericRead, ChangeQueuePermissions, TakeQueueOwnership,
At line:1 char:128
+ ... MsmqQueueAcl -UserName "domain.com\WfxServiceBus" -Allow "Peek,Write"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-MsmqQueueACL], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,Microsoft.Msmq.PowerShell.Commands.SetMSMQQueueACLCommand
Changing it to "PeekMessage,SendMessage" as per error yields the exact same error:
...Set-MsmqQueueACL : Cannot bind parameter 'Allow'. Cannot convert value "PeekMessage,WriteMessage" to type
"Microsoft.Msmq.PowerShell.Commands.MessageQueueAccessRights" due to enumeration values that are not valid. Specify one of....
$allows = [Microsoft.Msmq.PowerShell.Commands.MessageQueueAccessRights]'Peek,Send,Receive'
). – Numerary