I am being limited by the number of characters, I have an update of the IsoMetric class
class IsoMetric {
// 1: ZoomOutMoveInAndZoomIn, 2: FadeOffAppearAndFadeIn, 3: ImplodeExplode, 4: Rotation, 5: JustMove, 6: ExpandFadeMoveInAndZoomBack, 7: ScaleInScaleOut
// 8: RotationY
constructor(item_container, item_identifier, animationOption) {
this.animationOption = animationOption ? animationOption : 1;
this.jItemsContainer = $(item_container);
this.leftCont = this.jItemsContainer.position().left;
this.topCont = this.jItemsContainer.position().top;
this.wdCont = parseFloat(this.jItemsContainer.width());
this.htCont = parseFloat(this.jItemsContainer.height());
this.eleJArray = $(item_identifier);
this.eleArray = this.eleJArray.toArray();
this.allPositions = [];
let that = this;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, ele) {
let $ele = $(ele);
let pos = $ele.position();
let onePos = {
"x": parseFloat(pos.left.toFixed(2)) + "px", "y": parseFloat(pos.top.toFixed(2)) + "px",
"w": parseFloat($ele.width().toFixed(2)), "h": parseFloat($ele.height().toFixed(2)),
"scale": 1
let par = $ele;
//while (true) { //I restore width of all parents leading up to the container.
// par = $(par).parent();
// if (par[0] === that.jItemsContainer[0]) break;
// $(par).css({ "width": $(par).width(), "height": $(par).height() });
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, ele) {
let $ele = $(ele);
$ele.css({ "position": "absolute", "left": $ele.attr("x"), "top": $ele.attr("y"), "transform": "rotate(0deg) scale(1)" });
this.jItemsContainer.css({ "width": this.wdCont + "px", "height": this.htCont + "px" });
Filter(e, selector) {
switch (this.animationOption) {
case 1:
this.ZoomOutMoveInAndZoomIn(e, selector);
case 2:
this.FadeOffAppearAndFadeIn(e, selector);
case 3:
this.ImplodeExplode(e, selector);
case 4:
this.Rotation(e, selector);
case 5:
this.JustMove(e, selector);
case 6:
this.ExpandFadeMoveInAndZoomBack(e, selector);
case 7:
this.ScaleInScaleOut(e, selector);
case 8:
this.RotationY(e, selector);
SetAnimation(option) {
this.animationOption = option;
let that = this;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, ele) {
let $ele = $(ele);
transform: "rotate(0deg) scale(1)", opacity: 1,
left: that.allPositions[index].x, top: that.allPositions[index].y,
width: that.allPositions[index].w, height: that.allPositions[index].h,
ZoomOutMoveInAndZoomIn(e, selector) {
let boneEle = $(selector);
let that = this;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, bEle) {
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"left": parseFloat($(bEle).position().left) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("w") / 2),
"top": parseFloat($(bEle).position().top) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("h") / 2),
//"opacity": 0,
}, 200, function () {
//$(bEle).css({ "opacity": 0 });
//$(bEle).css({ "display": "none" });
$.each(boneEle, function (index, bEle) {
//$(bEle).css({ "display": "block" });
"left": that.allPositions[index].x,
"top": that.allPositions[index].y,
"width": $(bEle).attr("w"),
"height": $(bEle).attr("h"),
//"opacity": 1
}, 500);
FadeOffAppearAndFadeIn(e, selector) {
let boneEle = $(selector);
let that = this;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, bEle) {
$(bEle).animate({ "opacity": 0, }, 2000, function () {
$(bEle).css({ "width": 0, "height": 0 });
$(":animated").promise().done(function () {
//code here
$.each(boneEle, function (index, bEle) {
"left": that.allPositions[index].x,
"top": that.allPositions[index].y,
"width": that.allPositions[index].w,
"height": that.allPositions[index].h
"opacity": 1
}, 2000);
ImplodeExplode(e, selector) {
let boneEle = $(selector);
let that = this;
let Cx = that.leftCont + (that.wdCont / 2); let Cy = that.topCont + (that.htCont / 2);
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, bEle) {
"left": Cx, //that.allPositions[index].x,
"top": Cy, //that.allPositions[index].y,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
}, 100);
$(":animated").promise().done(function () {
//code here
$.each(boneEle, function (index, bEle) {
"left": that.allPositions[index].x,
"top": that.allPositions[index].y,
"width": $(bEle).attr("w"),
"height": $(bEle).attr("h"),
"opacity": 1
}, 400);
Rotation(e, selector) {
let boneEle = $(selector);
let that = this; let count = 0; let sAngle = 0; let endEngle = 360 * 5;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, bEle) {
deg: sAngle, w: $(bEle).width(), h: $(bEle).height(),
l: parseFloat($(bEle).position().left),
t: parseFloat($(bEle).position().top),
o: 1
deg: endEngle, w: 0, h: 0,
l: parseFloat($(bEle).position().left) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("w") / 2),
t: parseFloat($(bEle).position().top) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("h") / 2),
o: 0
}, {
duration: 2000,
index: index,
step: function () {
// in the step-callback (that is fired each step of the animation),
// you can use the `now` paramter which contains the current
// animation-position (`0` up to `angle`)
//let xx = parseFloat($(bEle).position().left) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("w") / 2) + "px";
transform: 'rotate(' + this.deg + 'deg)',
left: this.l,
top: this.t,
width: this.w,
height: this.h,
opacity: this.o
complete: function () {
//$(bEle).css({ "opacity": 0 });
function TheTheFinalAct() {
$.each(boneEle, function (index, bEle) {
//$(bEle).css({ "opacity": 1 });
deg: endEngle, w: 0, h: 0,
l: parseFloat($(bEle).position().left),
t: parseFloat($(bEle).position().top),
o: 0,
deg: sAngle,
w: that.allPositions[index].w, h: that.allPositions[index].h,
l: that.allPositions[index].x,
t: that.allPositions[index].y,
o: 1
}, {
duration: 1000,
index: index,
step: function () {
// in the step-callback (that is fired each step of the animation),
// you can use the `now` paramter which contains the current
// animation-position (`0` up to `angle`)
//let xx = parseFloat($(bEle).position().left) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("w") / 2) + "px";
transform: 'rotate(' + this.deg + 'deg)',
width: this.w,
height: this.h,
left: this.l,
top: this.t,
opacity: this.o
//$(this.eleJArray).promise().done(function () {
// TheTheFinalAct();
function WaitForAllAnimationsToBeOver() {
setTimeout(() => {
if (count >= that.eleArray.length) TheTheFinalAct();
else WaitForAllAnimationsToBeOver();
}, 500);
RotationY(e, selector) {
let boneEle = $(selector);
let that = this; let count = 0; let startAngle = 0; let endAngle = 360 * 5;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, bEle) {
deg: startAngle, w: $(bEle).width(), h: $(bEle).height(),
l: parseFloat($(bEle).position().left),
t: parseFloat($(bEle).position().top),
o: 1
deg: endAngle, w: 0, h: 0,
l: parseFloat($(bEle).position().left) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("w") / 2),
t: parseFloat($(bEle).position().top) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("h") / 2),
o: 0
}, {
duration: 2000,
index: index,
step: function () {
// in the step-callback (that is fired each step of the animation),
// you can use the `now` paramter which contains the current
// animation-position (`0` up to `angle`)
//let xx = parseFloat($(bEle).position().left) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("w") / 2) + "px";
transform: 'rotateY(' + this.deg + 'deg)',
//left: this.l,
//top: this.t,
//width: this.w,
//height: this.h,
opacity: this.o
complete: function () {
function TheTheFinalAct() {
$.each(boneEle, function (index, bEle) {
deg: endAngle, w: 0, h: 0,
l: parseFloat($(bEle).position().left),
t: parseFloat($(bEle).position().top),
o: 0,
deg: startAngle,
w: that.allPositions[index].w, h: that.allPositions[index].h,
l: that.allPositions[index].x,
t: that.allPositions[index].y,
o: 1
}, {
duration: 1000,
index: index,
step: function () {
// in the step-callback (that is fired each step of the animation),
// you can use the `now` paramter which contains the current
// animation-position (`0` up to `angle`)
//let xx = parseFloat($(bEle).position().left) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("w") / 2) + "px";
transform: 'rotateY(' + this.deg + 'deg)',
//width: this.w,
//height: this.h,
left: this.l,
top: this.t,
opacity: this.o
function WaitForAllAnimationsToBeOver() {
setTimeout(() => {
if (count >= that.eleArray.length) TheTheFinalAct();
else WaitForAllAnimationsToBeOver();
}, 500);
JustMove(e, selector) {
let boneEle = $(selector);
let that = this;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, bEle) {
"left": (that.leftCont + that.wdCont / 2) - that.allPositions[index].w / 2,
"top": (that.topCont + that.htCont / 2) - that.allPositions[index].h / 2,
}, 20, function () {
$(bEle).css({ "opacity": 0 });
$.each(boneEle, function (index, bEle) {
"left": that.allPositions[index].x,
"top": that.allPositions[index].y,
"opacity": 1
}, 200);
ExpandFadeMoveInAndZoomBack(e, selector) {
let boneEle = $(selector);
let that = this; let count = 0;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, bEle) {
$({ scale: 1, o: 1 }).animate({ scale: 10, o: 0 },
duration: 1000,
index: index,
step: function () {
// in the step-callback (that is fired each step of the animation),
// you can use the `now` paramter which contains the current
// animation-position (`0` up to `angle`)
//let xx = parseFloat($(bEle).position().left) + parseFloat($(bEle).attr("w") / 2) + "px";
transform: 'scale(' + this.scale + ')',
opacity: this.o
complete: function () {
$(bEle).css({ "width": 0, "height": 0 });
function TheTheFinalAct() {
$.each(boneEle, function (index, bEle) {
scale: 10, w: 0, h: 0, o: 0,
l: parseFloat($(bEle).position().left), t: parseFloat($(bEle).position().top),
scale: 1, w: that.allPositions[index].w, h: that.allPositions[index].h, o: 1,
l: that.allPositions[index].x, t: that.allPositions[index].y,
}, {
duration: 1000,
index: index,
step: function () {
transform: 'scale(' + this.scale + ')',
left: this.l,
top: this.t,
width: this.w,
height: this.h,
opacity: this.o
function WaitForAllAnimationsToBeOver() {
setTimeout(() => {
if (count >= that.eleArray.length) TheTheFinalAct();
else WaitForAllAnimationsToBeOver();
}, 500);
ScaleInScaleOut(e, selector) {
let boneEle = $(selector);
let that = this; let count = 0;
$.each(this.eleJArray, function (index, bEle) {
$({ scale: 1 }).animate({ scale: 0 },
duration: 500,
index: index,
step: function () {
if (parseInt($(bEle).attr("scale")) !== 0) $(bEle).css({ transform: 'scale(' + this.scale + ')' });
complete: function () {
$(bEle).attr({ "scale": 0 });
function TheTheFinalAct() {
$.each(boneEle, function (index, bEle) {
$(bEle).attr({ "scale": 1 })
scale: 0,
l: parseFloat($(bEle).position().left), t: parseFloat($(bEle).position().top),
scale: 1,
l: that.allPositions[index].x, t: that.allPositions[index].y,
}, {
duration: 1000,
index: index,
step: function () {
transform: 'scale(' + this.scale + ')',
left: this.l,
top: this.t,
function WaitForAllAnimationsToBeOver() {
setTimeout(() => {
if (count >= that.eleArray.length) TheTheFinalAct();
else WaitForAllAnimationsToBeOver();
}, 500);
Sort(e, attrib, isAsc) {
let that = this;
//if (!this.eleArrAsc) {
this.eleArrAsc =
this.eleArray.sort(function (a, b) {
let lhs = parseInt($(a).attr(attrib));
let rhs = parseInt($(b).attr(attrib));
return isAsc ? lhs - rhs : rhs - lhs;
$.each(this.eleArrAsc, function (index, bEle) {
"left": that.allPositions[index].x,
"top": that.allPositions[index].y,
}, 200);
and writing a custom animation for the text string passed to it. Which produced a reasonably nice type effect. Although it could be better. – Environmentalist