I want to be able to replace some text in an UITextView programatically, so I wrote this method as an UITextView category:
- (void) replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range withString:(NSString *)newText{
self.scrollEnabled = NO;
NSMutableString *textStorage = [self.text mutableCopy];
[textStorage replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:newText];
//replace text but undo manager is not working well
[[self.undoManager prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(range.location, newText.length)
withString:[textStorage substringWithRange:range]];
NSLog(@"before replacing: canUndo:%d", [self.undoManager canUndo]); //prints YES
self.text = textStorage;
NSLog(@"after replacing: canUndo:%d", [self.undoManager canUndo]); //prints NO
if (![self.undoManager isUndoing])[self.undoManager setActionName:@"replace characters"];
[textStorage release];
//new range:
range.location = range.location + newText.length;
range.length = 0;
self.selectedRange = range;
self.scrollEnabled = YES;
It works but NSUndoManager stops working (it seems to be reset) just after doing self.text=textStorage
I have found a private API: -insertText:(NSString *)
that can do the job but who knows if Apple is going to approve my app if I use it. Is there any way to get text replaced in UITextView with NSUndoManager Support? Or maybe I am missing something here?
will do the job and UITextInput protocol is indeed available from 3.2 but UITextView didn't adopt it until 5.0. So this answer only will work on OS5.0 and above – Perkins