I produce the following node and relationship data in a for loop about 1 million times. The idea is that investor
nodes connect to company
nodes by relationship
investor = {'name': owner['name'],
'CIK': owner['CIK']}
relationship = {'isDirector': owner['isDirector'],
'isOfficer': owner['isOfficer'],
'isOther': owner['isOther'],
'isTenPercentOwner': owner['isTenPercentOwner'],
'title': owner['title']}
company = {'Name': json['issuerName'],
'SIC': json['issuerSIC'],
'Ticker Symbol': json['issuerTradingSymbol'],
'CIK': json['issuerCIK'],
'EIN': json['issuerEIN']}
How do I complete the following code to get the dicts above into neo4j community edition?
from py2neo import Graph, authenticate
authenticate("localhost:7474", "neo4j", "neo")
graph = Graph()
for json in long_list_of_dicts:
investor = {...}
company = {...}
relationship = {...}
# Code to import investor, company, relationship data into neo4j