I want to stream a video to my IPad via the HTML5 video tag with tapestry5 (5.3.5) on the backend. Usually the serverside framework shouldn't even play a role in this but somehow it does.
Anyway, hopefully someone here can help me out. Please keep in mind that my project is very much a prototype and that what I describe is simplified / reduced to the relevant parts. I would very much appreciate it if people didn't respond with the obligatory "you want to do the wrong thing" or security/performance nitpicks that aren't relevant to the problem.
So here it goes:
I have a video taken from the Apple HTML5 showcase so I know that format isn't an issue. I have a simple tml page "Play" that just contains a "video" tag.
I started by implementing a RequestFilter that handles the request from the video control by opening the referenced video file and streaming it to client. That's basic "if path starts with 'file' then copy file inputstream to response outputstream". This works very well with Chrome but not with the Ipad. Fine, I though, must be some headers I'm missing so I looked at the Apple Showcase again and included the same headers and content type but no joy.
Next, I though, well, let's see what happens if I let t5 serve the file. I copied the video to the webapp context, disabled my request filter and put the simple filename in the video's src attribute. This works in Chrome AND IPad. That surprised me and prompted me to look at how T5 handles static files / context request. Thus far I've only gotten so far as to feel like there are two different paths which I've confirmed by switching out the hardwired "video src" to an Asset with a @Path("context:"). This, again, works on Chrome but not on IPad.
So I'm really lost here. What's this secret juice in the "simple context" requests that allow it to work on the IPad? There is nothing special going on and yet it's the only way this works. Problem is, I can't really serve those vids from my webapp context ...
So, it turns out that there is this http header called "Range" and that the IPad, unlike Chrome uses it with video. The "secret sauce" then is that the servlet handler for static resource request know how to deal with range requests while T5's doesn't. Here is my custom implementation:
OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream("video/mp4");
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(f));
try {
String range = request.getHeader("Range");
if( range != null && !range.equals("bytes=0-")) {
logger.info("Range response _______________________");
String[] ranges = range.split("=")[1].split("-");
int from = Integer.parseInt(ranges[0]);
int to = Integer.parseInt(ranges[1]);
int len = to - from + 1 ;
response.setHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
String responseRange = String.format("bytes %d-%d/%d", from, to, f.length());
logger.info("Content-Range:" + responseRange);
response.setHeader("Connection", "close");
response.setHeader("Content-Range", responseRange);
response.setDateHeader("Last-Modified", new Date().getTime());
logger.info("length:" + len);
byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
while( len != 0) {
int read = is.read(buf, 0, len >= buf.length ? buf.length : len);
if( read != -1) {
os.write(buf, 0, read);
len -= read;
} else {
IOUtils.copy(is, os);
} finally {