I am trying to test this epic https://github.com/zarcode/unsplashapp/blob/master/src/epics/photos.js . Problem is that map
never happens when I run test (which I assume means that Promise never resolves), so photosSuccess
action never happens also:
export const loadPhotosToList = (action$: Observable<Action>, state$:
Object): Observable<Action> => {
const state = (photosFilter: PhotosFilter) => state$.value.photos[photosFilter];
return action$
filter((a: Action) =>
((state(a.filter).loadingState === 'idle' && !state(a.filter).isLastPage) || a.refresh)),
switchMap((a) => {
const nextPage = !a.refresh ? state(a.filter).lastLoadedPage + 1 : 1;
const loadingAction = of(photosActions.photosLoading(a.filter, a.refresh));
const request = api.fetchPhotos({
page: nextPage,
per_page: perPage,
order_by: a.filter,
const requestAction = from(request)
// tap(data => { console.log("data", data); }),
map(data =>
data.length < perPage,
catchError(e => of(photosActions.photosFail(e.message, a.filter))),
// requestAction.subscribe(x => console.log("-------",x));
return loadingAction
.pipe(filter(futureAction => futureAction.type === ACTION.FETCH_PHOTOS_REQUESTED))),
However, if I do requestAction.subscribe
promise gets resolved and I get the result in the console log.
Note: this happens only when I run this test https://github.com/zarcode/unsplashapp/blob/master/src/epics/photos.test.js, app code works fine, data is fetching fine.
Question is: How to write this test properly?
Invalid variable access: console
and all 6 fails, you know why? – KazoophotosActions.photosLoading(a.filter, a.refresh)
is an object, not a Promise so doing return Observable.fromPromise(loadingAction) or from(loadingAction) with rxjs v6 throws an error of this kind:TypeError: You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
– Lambert10.1.0
, may be something has changed in that – Kazoo