We are using LightTPD as web server and i am using "mod_magnet" to do such things. Mod_magnet allows me to do request handling using simple lua scripts. We have an automatic task, which will create an empty file somewhere in the web-server's filesystem. The lua script will check for existance of this file on every request and return a static maintenance page, if the file is found. The important part of the script looks like the following:
-- maintenance page
local config = {
['maintenance'] = {
['allow'] = {
'' -- just an example IP address
if lighty.stat(lighty.env['physical.doc-root'] .. 'maintenance') then
tmp, _ = table.search(config.maintenance.allow, lighty.env['request.remote-ip'])
if not tmp then
-- maintenance modus
lighty.content = {
{ filename = lighty.env['physical.doc-root'] .. 'error/maintenance.html' }
return 503
In the script there's also a configuration to still let specific IP addresses through, so you can still view the website for example from your company network, when everyone else just get's the maintenance page.
This solution works very well and because of automation, it does not matter, if you need the maintenance page on one or on many webservers.
If you are interested, you can find more information regarding "mod_magnet" over here: