I'm trying to automate deployment of application using fabric.
The application code is hosted on GitHub and rolling out a new version is very straightforward - just do 'git pull' and that's it. The application is hosted on 100 servers, so I would like to automate deployment. Fabfile.py:
def deploy():
code_path = '/home/myuser/myapp'
with cd(code_path):
run('git pull')
run('git submodule update --init --recursive')
The problem is, on every git command I get a promt: Enter passphrase for key '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa
Is there a way to automatically input the passphrase? It's the same on every server and the same as sudo password
I've tried to fexpect library, but I'm wondering whether there is better (i.e. standard) way of doing it.