The following snippet compiles with no error with Clang 4.0 but GCC 7.0 produces errors (note the use of -std=c++1z flag).
using FuncT = int (*)(double);
template <FuncT FUNC>
int temp_foo(double a)
return FUNC(a);
int foo(double a)
return 42;
void func()
auto lambda = [](double a) { return 5; };
struct MyStruct
static int foo(double a) { return 42; }
Specifically, GCC complains that both the lambda and the nested class's method have no linkage, so they can't be used as a non-type template argument.
At least for the lambda case I think that Clang is correct (and GCC is wrong) since (quoting from cppreference, the conversion operator):
The value returned by this conversion function is a pointer to a function with C++ language linkage that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the closure object's function call operator directly.
Is GCC misbehaving?