I'm a new user to Eclipse (Juno) with SUSE 11 Linux,I am looking for specifying a user defined dictionary so that I can stop all the "Trolltech" and "Qt" references in my Qt projects showing up as spelling errors, without turning off all spell checking.
I found following instructions online, I select Window | Preferences | Editors | Text Editors | Spelling and get a panel including a field in which to specify a user defined dictionary. I gather all this needs to be, is a text file. I have tried two variations for this:
As root,
- created an /opt/eclipse/dictionary/dictionary.txt file, file permissions set 777 but higher level directories 755s
- created a /dictionary/dictionary.txt file, both directory and file permissions set 777.
I have at this point, in each case,
- specified the full (absolute) path to one of these files in the "User defined dictionary" field,
- clicked either Apply | OK to set the path, or just OK, exiting the dialog
- seen no change in the Eclipse editor, which still shows these terms as misspellings
- at the level of the project, attempted Refresh of the project from the right-mouse popup menu
- tried re-indexing at the level of the project using Index | Rebuild from the right-mouse popup menu
- tried refreshing files at the level of the project using Index | Freshen All Files from the right-mouse popup menu (no reason to believe that either of steps 5 or 6 will help, but I'm basically trying everything that seems available to be tried)
- closed and re-opened the project
- closed and re-opened the IDE.
When I restart the IDE and go back into Window | Preferences, etc., the panel shows the dictionary text file I've specified AS specified, but there seems to be no functional recognition of this by the IDE.
Adding to the joy, when I hover above either of the "errors" I'd like to stop seeing, I don't get the quick fix option of adding the error word to the dictionary, because last week I ticked the option that said "don't prompt to add to a dictionary, if no dictionary exists". Doesn't appear that any dictionary is being recognized as existing.
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing, here?