I have a huge files of 3,000,000 lines and each line have 20-40 words. I have to extract 1 to 5 ngrams from the corpus. My input files are tokenized plain text, e.g.:
This is a foo bar sentence .
There is a comma , in this sentence .
Such is an example text .
Currently, I am doing it as below but this don't seem to be a efficient way to extract the 1-5grams:
#!/usr/bin/env python -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import io, os
from collections import Counter
import sys; reload(sys); sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
with io.open('train-1.tok.en', 'r', encoding='utf8') as srcfin, \
io.open('train-1.tok.jp', 'r', encoding='utf8') as trgfin:
# Extract words from file.
src_words = ['<s>'] + srcfin.read().replace('\n', ' </s> <s> ').split()
del src_words[-1] # Removes the final '<s>'
trg_words = ['<s>'] + trgfin.read().replace('\n', ' </s> <s> ').split()
del trg_words[-1] # Removes the final '<s>'
# Unigrams count.
src_unigrams = Counter(src_words)
trg_unigrams = Counter(trg_words)
# Sum of unigram counts.
src_sum_unigrams = sum(src_unigrams.values())
trg_sum_unigrams = sum(trg_unigrams.values())
# Bigrams count.
src_bigrams = Counter(zip(src_words,src_words[1:]))
trg_bigrams = Counter(zip(trg_words,trg_words[1:]))
# Sum of bigram counts.
src_sum_bigrams = sum(src_bigrams.values())
trg_sum_bigrams = sum(trg_bigrams.values())
# Trigrams count.
src_trigrams = Counter(zip(src_words,src_words[1:], src_words[2:]))
trg_trigrams = Counter(zip(trg_words,trg_words[1:], trg_words[2:]))
# Sum of trigram counts.
src_sum_trigrams = sum(src_bigrams.values())
trg_sum_trigrams = sum(trg_bigrams.values())
Is there any other way to do this more efficiently?
How to optimally extract different N ngrams simultaneously?
From Fast/Optimize N-gram implementations in python, essentially this:
zip(*[words[i:] for i in range(n)])
when hard-coded is this for bigrams, n=2
and is this for trigrams, n=3