I have done something very similar to this in an app which used a service that provided GPS functions by several activities. The idea was to only have the service there when one of the activities that used it is visible, and not there when none are visible. In your case, every activity would hook into a service, and you will know when the entire application was paused or resumed by hooking into the service's onCreate() and onDestroy() methods.
Here is a stripped-down example:
Components needed (these could probably be placed into a utility class if you want to reuse them, or I just had them for each activity class):
private boolean mAppActiveServiceBound = false;
private AppActiveService mAppActiveService = null;
private ServiceConnection mAppActiveConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected( ComponentName className, IBinder service ) {
mAppActiveService = ( (AppActiveService.AppActiveBinder) service ).getService();
public void onServiceDisconnected( ComponentName className ) {
mAppActiveService = null;
Then in your onStart() and onStop() methods for each activity:
public void onStart() {
mAppActiveServiceBound = bindService( new Intent( this, AppActiveService.class ), mAppActiveConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE );
public void onStop() {
if( mAppActiveServiceBound ) {
unbindService( mAppActiveConnection );
mAppActiveServiceBound = false;
And finally, the service itself:
public class AppActiveService extends Service {
// Receives interactions from clients:
private final IBinder mBinder = new AppActiveBinder();
* Provides a handle to the bound service.
public class AppActiveBinder extends Binder {
AppActiveService getService() {
return AppActiveService.this;
public void onCreate(){
// TODO: Here is presumably "application level" resume
public void onDestroy(){
// TODO: Here is presumably "application level" pause
and such? – BirthrootonPause
in all of your Activities and have the same code? – Birthroot