For example, I wanted to create the annotation @Out to target parameters. Then I would somehow use the compiler to check if the parameter value is set before the function returns. Is this possible?
Also was thinking about a @Immutable annotation that would not allow any method not annotaded with @Const to be invoked or access to any public fields. (compile time and probably runtime?)
So far I have this:
//I'm assuming Class retention is a subset of Runtime retention
public @interface Out
//no idea what to go in here.
this is the other annotation. again, I have no complete definition for it:
public @interface Immutable
I think I can begin to devise a strategy to implement that at runtime using reflection, but I wanted to instruct the compiler or pre-processor to check that stuff for me instead, so my annotations would have zero overhead.
This is one of those things that you think "if this could've been done, it would already be out there, and if it is, where can I grab it".
Edit: After further thought about @Const
and @Immutable
and after remembering java passes pointers to objects by value, I expanded the definition of @Const
, got rid of @Immutable
, and altered the definition of @Out
, as follows bellow:
* When Applied to a method, ensures the method doesn't change in any
* way the state of the object used to invoke it, i.e., all the fields
* of the object must remain the same, and no field may be returned,
* unless the field itself is marked as {@code @Const}. A method
* annotated with {@code @Const} can only invoke other {@code @Const}
* methods of its class, can only use the class's fields to invoke
* {@code @Const} methods of the fields classes and can only pass fields
* as parameters to methods that annotate that formal parameter as
* {@code @Const}.
* When applied to a formal parameter, ensures the method will not
* modify the value referenced by the formal parameter. A formal
* parameter annotated as {@code @Const} will not be aliased inside the
* body of the method. The method is not allowed to invoke another
* method and pass the annotated parameter, save if the other method
* also annotates the formal parameter as {@code @Const}. The method is
* not allowed to use the parameter to invoke any of its type's methods,
* unless the method being invoked is also annotated as {@code @Const}
* When applied to a field, ensures the field cannot be aliased and that
* no code can alter the state of that field, either from inside the
* class that owns the field or from outside it. Any constructor in any
* derived class is allowed to set the value of the field and invoke any
* methods using it. As for methods, only those annotated as
* {@code @Const} may be invoked using the field. The field may only be
* passed as a parameter to a method if the method annotates the
* corresponding formal parameter as {@code @Const}
* When applied to a local variable, ensures neither the block where the
* variable is declared or any nested block will alter the value of that
* local variable. The local variable may be defined only once, at any
* point where it is in scope. Only methods annotated as
* {@code @Const} may be invoked using this variable, and the variable
* may only be passed as a parameter to another method if said method
* annotates its corresponding formal parameter as {@code @Const}
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD,
public @interface Const
now the @Out
* The formal parameter annotated with {@code @Out} must be undefined in
* the scope of the caller, and it's the responsibility of the method to
* define it. If allowNull is true, the parameter can be explicitly set
* to null in the body of the method.
public @interface Out
boolean allowNull() default false;
Edit: I'm trying to implement this as an eclipse plugin, but I'm completely lost reading the manual. I wrote a plugin with the basic logic for accessing the AST and visiting methods and fields. I then made a bunch of dummy annotations that my plugin should detect, then I try to print the results, but I'm not even sure what to expect. My plugin is a "Incremental Build" plugin. Here's the code for it, If someone could take a look and just explain a few things to me. I'm completely lost in this API.
. You would then create aProcessor
and attach it to your project by defining the fully qualified name of your processor impl inMETA-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor
. You'll also have to enable annotation processing. The downside is that you must save your files before the errors/warnings appear, rather than them appearing instantly like built-in compile time checks – Pashto@NonNull
. – Ambroseambrosi@Const
will remain immutable even if accessed from other files or dependencies. – Overprize@Const
is fine, but you've lost me with@Out
. There are no out parameters in Java, actually, all you get in a method call is a local variable initialized in the caller. It may be a primitive or a reference, but it's always call by value, i.e., a pure "@In
" and nothing goes "@Out
". – Rossuck