Using a hexagonal jointplot in Seaborn to produce some "heat maps" showing where on the court basketball players take the most shots. The data comes from a pandas dataframe, where LocX represents the player's horizontal position on the court (-250 and 250 are the sidelines, 0 is in line with the basket), and LocY is the length-wise distance from the basket. I use the same code to produce maps for multiple players, but the size of the hexagons varies wildly between players (even when two players have a similar number of total shots). Here is one that comes out just as I'd like Good Plot,
but here is one that doesn't work at all Bad Plot.
Here is my code generating it:
joint_shot_chart = sns.jointplot(shot_df.LocX, shot_df.LocY, stat_func=None, kind='hex', space=0, color=cmap(.2), cmap=cmap)
Is there a kwarg that I can use to change the size of the hexagons?