Here's a direct implementation of a fast polynomial division algorithm found in these lecture notes.
The division is based on the fast/FFT multiplication of dividend with the divisor's reciprocal. My implementation below strictly follows the algorithm proven to have O(n*log(n))
time complexity (for polynomials with degrees of the same order of magnitude), but it's written with emphasis on readability, not efficiency.
from math import ceil, log
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
def poly_deg(p):
return len(p) - 1
def poly_scale(p, n):
"""Multiply polynomial ``p(x)`` with ``x^n``.
If n is negative, poly ``p(x)`` is divided with ``x^n``, and remainder is
discarded (truncated division).
if n >= 0:
return list(p) + [0] * n
return list(p)[:n]
def poly_scalar_mul(a, p):
"""Multiply polynomial ``p(x)`` with scalar (constant) ``a``."""
return [a*pi for pi in p]
def poly_extend(p, d):
"""Extend list ``p`` representing a polynomial ``p(x)`` to
match polynomials of degree ``d-1``.
return [0] * (d-len(p)) + list(p)
def poly_norm(p):
"""Normalize the polynomial ``p(x)`` to have a non-zero most significant
for i,a in enumerate(p):
if a != 0:
return p[i:]
return []
def poly_add(u, v):
"""Add polynomials ``u(x)`` and ``v(x)``."""
d = max(len(u), len(v))
return [a+b for a,b in zip(poly_extend(u, d), poly_extend(v, d))]
def poly_sub(u, v):
"""Subtract polynomials ``u(x)`` and ``v(x)``."""
d = max(len(u), len(v))
return poly_norm([a-b for a,b in zip(poly_extend(u, d), poly_extend(v, d))])
def poly_mul(u, v):
"""Multiply polynomials ``u(x)`` and ``v(x)`` with FFT."""
if not u or not v:
return []
d = poly_deg(u) + poly_deg(v) + 1
U = fft(poly_extend(u, d)[::-1])
V = fft(poly_extend(v, d)[::-1])
res = list(ifft(U*V).real)
return [int(round(x)) for x in res[::-1]]
def poly_recip(p):
"""Calculate the reciprocal of polynomial ``p(x)`` with degree ``k-1``,
defined as: ``x^(2k-2) / p(x)``, where ``k`` is a power of 2.
k = poly_deg(p) + 1
assert k>0 and p[0] != 0 and 2**round(log(k,2)) == k
if k == 1:
return [1 / p[0]]
q = poly_recip(p[:k/2])
r = poly_sub(poly_scale(poly_scalar_mul(2, q), 3*k/2-2),
poly_mul(poly_mul(q, q), p))
return poly_scale(r, -k+2)
def poly_divmod(u, v):
"""Fast polynomial division ``u(x)`` / ``v(x)`` of polynomials with degrees
m and n. Time complexity is ``O(n*log(n))`` if ``m`` is of the same order
as ``n``.
if not u or not v:
return []
m = poly_deg(u)
n = poly_deg(v)
# ensure deg(v) is one less than some power of 2
# by extending v -> ve, u -> ue (mult by x^nd)
nd = int(2**ceil(log(n+1, 2))) - 1 - n
ue = poly_scale(u, nd)
ve = poly_scale(v, nd)
me = m + nd
ne = n + nd
s = poly_recip(ve)
q = poly_scale(poly_mul(ue, s), -2*ne)
# handle the case when m>2n
if me > 2*ne:
# t = x^2n - s*v
t = poly_sub(poly_scale([1], 2*ne), poly_mul(s, ve))
q2, r2 = poly_divmod(poly_scale(poly_mul(ue, t), -2*ne), ve)
q = poly_add(q, q2)
# remainder, r = u - v*q
r = poly_sub(u, poly_mul(v, q))
return q, r
The poly_divmod(u, v)
function returns a (quotient, remainder)
tuple for polynomials u
and v
(like Python's standard divmod
for numbers).
For example:
>>> print poly_divmod([1,0,-1], [1,-1])
([1, 1], [])
>>> print poly_divmod([3,-5,10,8], [1,2,-3])
([3, -11], [41, -25])
>>> print poly_divmod([1, -11, 0, -22, 1], [1, -3, 0, 1, 2])
([1], [-8, 0, -23, -1])
>>> print poly_divmod([1, -11, 0, -22, 1], [1, -3, 0, 1, 2, 20])
([], [1, -11, 0, -22, 1])
(x^2 - 1) / (x - 1) == x + 1
(2x^3 - 5x^2 + 10x + 8) / (x^2 + 2x -3) == 3x - 11
, with remainder 41x - 25
- etc. (Last two examples are yours.)
since I read that polynomial division equals deconvolution. But indeed this is a different algorithm in your link, I will look into that (except if you can write a Python code to implement that, you get the bounty! :D) – Larch