I am trying to use GGmap to create a plot of vehicle car crashes by state. The map will have dots which are sized based on the number of car crashes in the state.
In particular I am trying to recreate the usa-plot shown in the visualizing clusters section of this blog post.
However, whenever I try to create the map I get this error.
Error in aperm.default(map, c(2, 1, 3)) :
invalid first argument, must be an array
I have setup the Google API and see that it is recieving hits. I have also enabled it and have the key.
In addition I have installed GGmap from the github account using this command:
devtools::install_github("dkahle/ggmap", ref = "tidyup", force=TRUE)
since the CRAN one isn't updated.
I have restarted and quit R several times as well but the error persists.
Even if I just simply run:
it still results in the error:
Error in aperm.default(map, c(2, 1, 3)) :
invalid first argument, must be an array
Below is my code, it is similar to the code in the blog post:
mydata$State <- as.character(mydata$State)
mydata$MV.Number = as.numeric(mydata$MV.Number)
mydata = mydata[mydata$State != "Alaska", ]
mydata = mydata[mydata$State != "Hawaii", ]
devtools::install_github("dkahle/ggmap", ref = "tidyup", force=TRUE)
ggmap::register_google(key = "...") #my key is here
for (i in 1:nrow(mydata)) {
latlon = geocode(mydata[i,1])
mydata$lon[i] = as.numeric(latlon[1])
mydata$lat[i] = as.numeric(latlon[2])
mv_num_collisions = data.frame(mydata$MV.Number, mydata$lon, mydata$lat)
colnames(mv_num_collisions) = c('collisions','lon','lat')
usa_center = as.numeric(geocode("United States"))
USAMap = ggmap(get_googlemap(center=usa_center, scale=2, zoom=4),
USAMap +
geom_point(aes(x=lon, y=lat), data=mv_num_collisions, col="orange",
alpha=0.4, size=mv_num_collisions$collisions*circle_scale_amt) +
I expect the map to output like this
But I cannot seem to get passed this error.
If anyone can help that would be great.
Please let me know if you need any more information.
Thank you.