I have a fair hang of programming in various languages. I have been implementing my codes for research using MATLAB (during the past few months) and for the first time really noticed the difference in execution speed of MATLAB v$ C. (As much as I love the blazingly fast prototyping capabilities).
I am looking to pickup C++ and start using it in my research. I am aware of OOP and have programmed fair bit of Java (relatively long back) and C++ (even longer back). I would like to really get deep into C++ now and hence need suggestions for resources on the same:
- What C++ things I need to pick up (STLs and. ) to really make good use of C++?
- What is a good tutorial/manual to get started with?
- What are the numerical/scientific libraries for C++? GSL? Is there a equivalent (features) of Scipy/Numpy for C++?
I shall be programming on Linux, so I shall be using g++ .
Any pointers to previous SO questions also appreciated.