I just had this problem. I used a static AtomicInteger in my activity to store the progress. The loader updates it via a callback and the activity polls it and displays the progress.
In the loader callback onLoadFinished
I hide my progress panel, which causes the polling loop to exit.
Usually I'd avoid static state, but I think overall this is simpler than the alternatives. In my case, I have a different layout in landscape, so I'm happier leaving the orientation changes behaving as normal.
private Handler progressHandler; // init with new Handler(getMainLooper())
private static AtomicInteger progress = new AtomicInteger(0);
private void beginProgressUiUpdates() {
progressHandler.postDelayed(pollProgress, PROGRESS_POLL_PERIOD_MILLIS);
private Runnable pollProgress = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (findViewById(R.id.progressPanel).getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
progressHandler.postDelayed(pollProgress, PROGRESS_POLL_PERIOD_MILLIS);
private void displayProgress() {