I have a set of tables that look like:
workflows = Table('workflows', Base.metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
actions = Table('actions', Base.metadata,
Column('name', String, primary_key=True),
Column('workflow_id', Integer, ForeignKey(workflows.c.id), primary_key=True),
action_dependencies = Table('action_dependencies', Base.metadata,
Column('workflow_id', Integer, ForeignKey(workflows.c.id), primary_key=True),
Column('parent_action', String, ForeignKey(actions.c.name), primary_key=True),
Column('child_action', String, ForeignKey(actions.c.name), primary_key=True),
My ORM classes look like:
class Workflow(Base):
__table__ = workflows
actions = relationship("Action", order_by="Action.name", backref="workflow")
class Action(Base):
__table__ = actions
children = relationship("Action",
primaryjoin=actions.c.name == action_dependencies.c.parent_action,
secondaryjoin=actions.c.name == action_dependencies.c.child_action,
So in my system, each action is uniquely identified by a combination of a workflow id and its name. I'd like each action to have parents
and children
attribute that refers its parent and child actions. Each action can have multiple parents and children.
The problem occurs when I have a function such as :
def set_parents(session, workflow_id, action_name, parents):
action = session.query(db.Action).filter(db.Action.workflow_id == workflow.id).filter(db.Action.name == action_name).one()
for parent_name in parents:
parent = session.query(db.Action).filter(db.Action.workflow_id == workflow.id).filter(db.Action.name == parent_name).one()
I get an error like:
IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) action_dependencies.workflow_id may not be NULL u'INSERT INTO action_dependencies (parent_action, child_action) VALUES (?, ?)' (u'directory_creator', u'packing')
How do I get the relationship to set the workflow_id correctly?
in theaction_dependencies
table? – Outguessparents/children
relationships should also include theworkflow_id
in theprimaryjoin
conditions, or else you will get these for all worklows. – Outguess