I am trying to include a vector in my struct.
Here is my struct:
struct Region
bool hasPoly;
long size1;
long size2;
long size3;
long size4;
long size5;
long size6;
//Mesh* meshRef; // the mesh with the polygons for this region
long meshRef;
std::vector<int> PVS;
} typedef Region;
Is the vector in this declaration valid or would it make more sense to do a pointer to a vector. In the case of a pointer to a vector, do I need to allocate a new vector. How would I accomplish this?
Edit: The problem is that it ends up causing an error that points to xmemory.h, a file included with the MSVC++ platform.
void construct(pointer _Ptr, _Ty&& _Val)
{ // construct object at _Ptr with value _Val
::new ((void _FARQ *)_Ptr) _Ty(_STD forward<_Ty>(_Val)); // this is the line
Interestingly, it does not happen if I allocate it outside of the struct and simply in the function I use. Any ideas?
and not toRegion
a global variable of typeRegion
?) 2) the only difference between a class and a struct is that the members are default-public in a struct and default-private in a class (and by tradition, people tend to use classes if they want to have member functions). – Junkie