I'm working on the translation of the dashboard/admin of Shopify using Tampermonkey.
For security purposes, there's some parts of the Shopify Admin Dashboard I don't want Tampermonkey to work with. There's text created by the merchant (in products, pages, collections, templates...) which Tampermonkey would replace which is really dangerous.
There's 2 approaches to solve this:
- "Instruct" Tampermonkey not to translate the content inside forms. (which seems to be the best approach)
- Use the
I've used the latter but the script is not listening to @exclude. Here is the userscript:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Shopify_Admin_Spanish
// @namespace http://*.myshopify.com/admin
// @version 0.1
// @description Tu tienda Shopify, por detrás, en español!
// @exclude https://*.myshopify.com/admin/products
// @exclude https://*.myshopify.com/admin/collections
// @exclude https://*.myshopify.com/admin/blogs
// @exclude https://*.myshopify.com/admin/pages
// @exclude https://*.myshopify.com/admin/themes
// @match https://*.myshopify.com/*
// @copyright microapps.com
// ==/UserScript==
PS. I did all checks using Google Chrome, and am not willing to use any other browser.