I've tried to solve the problem below for a coding challenge but could not finish it in 1 hour. I have an idea on how the algorithm works but I'm not quite sure how to best implement it. I have my code and problem below.
The first 12 digits of pi are 314159265358. We can make these digits into an expression evaluating to 27182 (first 5 digits of e) as follows:
3141 * 5 / 9 * 26 / 5 * 3 - 5 * 8 = 27182
3 + 1 - 415 * 92 + 65358 = 27182
Notice that the order of the input digits is not changed. Operators (+,-,/, or *) are simply inserted to create the expression.
Write a function to take a list of numbers and a target, and return all the ways that those numbers can be formed into expressions evaluating to the target
For example:
f("314159265358", 27182) should print:3 + 1 - 415 * 92 + 65358 = 27182 3 * 1 + 4 * 159 + 26535 + 8 = 27182 3 / 1 + 4 * 159 + 26535 + 8 = 27182 3 * 14 * 15 + 9 + 26535 + 8 = 27182 3141 * 5 / 9 * 26 / 5 * 3 - 5 * 8 = 27182
This problem is difficult since you can have any combination of numbers and you don't consider one number at a time. I wasn't sure how to do the combinations and recursion for that step. Notice that parentheses are not provided in the solution, however order of operations is preserved.
My goal is to start off with say
{"31", "3+1", "3-1", "3*1" "3/1"}
{"314", "31+4", "3+1+4", "3-1-4", "31/4", "31*4", "31-4"} etc.
then look at the every value in the list each time and see if it is target value. If it is, add that string to result list.
Here is my code
public static List<String> combinations(String nums, int target)
List<String> tempResultList = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> realResultList = new ArrayList<String>();
String originalNum = Character.toString(nums.charAt(0));
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length(); i++)
if (i > 0)
originalNum += nums.charAt(i); //start off with a new number to decompose
char[] originalNumCharArray = originalNum.toCharArray();
for (int j = 0; j < originalNumCharArray.length; j++)
//go through every character to find the combinations?
// maybe recursion here instead of iterative would be easier...
for (String s : tempResultList)
//try to evaluate
int temp = 0;
if (s.contains("*") || s.contains("/") || s.contains("+") || s.contains("-"))
//evaluate expression
} else {
//just a number
if (temp == target)
return realResultList;
Could someone help with this problem? Looking for an answer with coding in it, since I need help with the generation of possibilities
, and thus 11 places in which to insert either nothing (so the digits are chained into a larger number) or one of 4 operators. Permutating through those 5 choices at 11 places will generate all the possibilities. – Micronesian3 + 1 * 4 * 159 + 26535 + 8 = 27182
and3141 / 5 / 9 * 26 * 5 * 3 - 5 * 8 = 27182
. – Micronesian