I have a Bare-Metal Kubernetes custom setup (manually setup cluster using Kubernetes the Hard Way). Everything seems to work, but I cannot access services externally.
I can get the list of services when curl:
However, when I try to proxy (using kubectl proxy
, and also by using the <master-ip-address>:<port>
I get:
Error: 'dial tcp connect: no route to host'
Trying to reach: ''
Even if I normally curlWas able to resolve this, check below.
I get the same error. This is the result whether I curl from inside the VM where Kubernetes is installed.I can access my services externally using NodePort.
I can access my services if I expose them through Nginx-Ingress.
I am using Weave as CNI, and the logs were normal except a couple of log-lines at the beginning about it not being able to access Namespaces (RBAC error). Though logs were fine after that.
Using CoreDNS, logs look normal. APIServer and Kubelet logs look normal. Kubernetes-Events look normal, too.
Additional Note: The DNS Service-IP I assigned is
, and the service IP range is:
, and POD Network is10.2.0.0/16
. I am not sure what10.44.x.x
is or where is it coming from.- Also, I am using Nginx-Ingress (Helm Chart: https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/nginx-ingress)
Here is output from one of the services:
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "kubernetes-dashboard",
"namespace": "kube-system",
"selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard",
"uid": "5c8bb34f-c6a2-11e8-84a7-00163cb4ceeb",
"resourceVersion": "7054",
"creationTimestamp": "2018-10-03T00:22:07Z",
"labels": {
"addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode": "Reconcile",
"k8s-app": "kubernetes-dashboard",
"kubernetes.io/cluster-service": "true"
"annotations": {
"kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration": "{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"kind\":\"Service\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"labels\":{\"addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode\":\"Reconcile\",\"k8s-app\":\"kubernetes-dashboard\",\"kubernetes.io/cluster-service\":\"true\"},\"name\":\"kubernetes-dashboard\",\"namespace\":\"kube-system\"},\"spec\":{\"ports\":[{\"port\":443,\"targetPort\":8443}],\"selector\":{\"k8s-app\":\"kubernetes-dashboard\"}}}\n"
"spec": {
"ports": [
"protocol": "TCP",
"port": 443,
"targetPort": 8443,
"nodePort": 30033
"selector": {
"k8s-app": "kubernetes-dashboard"
"clusterIP": "",
"type": "NodePort",
"sessionAffinity": "None",
"externalTrafficPolicy": "Cluster"
"status": {
"loadBalancer": {
I am not sure how to debug this, even some pointers to the right direction would help. If anything else is required, please let me know.
Output from kubectl get svc
coredns-primary ClusterIP <none> 53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP 4h51m
kubernetes-dashboard NodePort <none> 443:30033/TCP 4h51m
Turns out I didn't have kube-dns
service running for some reason, despite having CoreDNS running. It was as mentioned here: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubeadm/issues/1056#issuecomment-413235119
Now I can curl from inside the VM successfully, but the proxy-access still gives me the same error: No route to host
. I am not sure why or how would this fix the issue, since I don't see DNS being in play here, but it fixed the issue regardles. Would appreciate any possible explanation on this too.
kubectl proxy
? or just the proxy endpoint. Where are you running yourcurl
requests from? Can you also post some output forkubectl get svc
– Buggeryproxy
, I meantkubectl proxy
Curl request as run inside the VM on which the Kubernetes is installed. I have posted the output ofkubectl get svc
above in question. – Affectionatekubectl proxy
work before and not it doesn't work? – Buggerykubectl proxy
command – Buggerykubectl proxy --port=9001 --address='<ip-addr>' --accept-hosts="^*$"
. Here<ip-addr>
is the address of Worker-server on which K8s Dashboard and other serivces are hosted (that's what I am trying to access). – Affectionatekubectl proxy
only to talk to the apiserver? It should pick up the config under~/.kube/config
– Buggerycurl localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
from within VM, I getNo route to Host
. – Affectionatelocalhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
, I get theNo route to host
. – Affectionate