I have this array:
this.dashboard = [
{name: '<app-incassi-provvigioni></app-incassi-provvigioni>'},
{name: '<app-scheda-punti-vendita></app-scheda-punti-vendita>'}
I populate this array on the ngOnInit cycle. I was wondering how can I render the components when I read my array in the html like that:
<gridster [options]="gridsterOptions">
<gridster-item [item]="item" *ngFor="let item of dashboard">
<!-- your content here -->
Of course right now it returns the string contained in the object but I'm trying to find a solution to render the component. It is possible to do that?
More details: I am developing a dashboard type app where I retrieve the list of the user dashlet from the DB and I'm trying to render those components dynamically once the main app component is ready. using Angular 7 & Gridster2.
<div [innerHTML]="item.name"></div>
....? – Chirlincomponent-selectors
) are a part of the same module ? – Clop